An experiment on rooting of hard wood cuttings of Bougainvillea glabra cv. Cherry Blossom was conducted in the experimental farm of School of Agricultural Sciences & Engineering, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, U.P. between the months of October to January, 2021. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with seven treatment combinations. The result showed that the treatment combination of Panchgavya (4%) and Vermiwash (1:5 times dilution) was significantly better than the all other treatments and control with respect to rooting of cuttings like Days to first sprout(15.2), sprouted bud/cutting at 30 DAP (6.0), sprouted bud/cutting at 60 DAP (4.4), length of longest shoot at 30 DAP (16.4cm), length of longest shoot at 60 DAP (18.7cm), length of longest root at 30 DAP (1.6cm),length of longest root at 60 DAP (2.0cm), no. of leaves/cutting at 30 DAP (13.4),no. of leaves/cutting at 60 DAP (23.4), survival percentage at 30 DAP (90.8%), survival percentage at 60 DAP (80.0%).