Background: Personality of an individual determines his behavior towards others. Psychopaths behave differently. Therefore, study was conducted to know that, which personality dimension of psychopaths differ from normal.
Methods: Study examined personality dimension of 80 subjects selected purposively. Of them 40 were normal subjects (20 male & 20 female) and 40 psychopaths (20 male & 20 female). GHQ-12 negative subjects from the community formed the normal group. Dimension Personality Inventory (DPI-B) was administered on all the included subjects.
Results: Mean scores on DPI-B reveal that normal and psychopath group were significantly (p<0.05) differ on all the six personality dimensions i.e. 'activity-passivity', 'enthusiastic-non enthusiastic', 'assertive-submissive', 'suspicious-trusting', 'depressive-non depressive' and 'emotional instability-emotional stability'. Mean scores were found to be significantly higher of psychopaths compared with normal group.
Conclusion: Personality of psychopath can be differentiated on 'depressive-nondepressive' and 'suspicious-trusting' dimensions on DPI-B. Psychopaths were found to be 'depressive' and 'suspicious' in present study.