In this study, the contents are described in an abstraction covering the following chapters; In the introductory chapter on the background of the problem, the Debate on efforts to establish the principles of local government, the main focus is on which principles or principles should and should be used as guidelines in the application or establishment and implementation of local government. In principle, there are several principles or principles of regional governance, such as the principle of Deconcentration, Decentralization, Medebewind, and Devolution. The application of the principles referred to lies in the state government system that is adopted or adopted. Based on the principles mentioned above, the actual creation or formation of regional governments can occur in stages depending on the preparation and readiness of all the resources needed in the process of formation in question. The application of the principles of decentralization and decentralization in certain parts, from the authority of the central government to regional governments including Municipio Manatuto as stipulated in Article 6 of Government Regulation number 3/2016 are as follows: Health Affairs (Saude), Education (Edukasaun), Food Security (Seguransa Alimentar), Public Works and Transportation (Obras Publicas no Transporte), Clean Water, Basic Sanitation and the Environment (We, saneamentu Baziku no Ambiente), Agriculture (Agriculture), Market Management and Tourism (Jestaun ba Merkadu sira no turizmu), Social Action (Social Asaun), Civil Protection (Civil Protesaun), Natural Disaster Management (Jestaun ba Dezastre Natural sira), Civil Registry and Notary, and Land Development Deed (Rejistu, Notariadu no servisu cadastral sira), Supporting organizations non-governmental and community organizations (Apoiu ba organization la'os-government sira no ba organizasaun komunitaria sira). Are the arrangements regarding the delegation of authority from the center to the regions including the authority to appoint and place employees following their respective fields of expertise? How is the Administrative Deconcentration of the municipality of Manatuto implemented according to Decretu Lei no. 3/2016?
To answer these problems, as a basis for further justification, several theories and concepts are needed that are used as references for justification and assessment, including State Institutional Theory, Power Sharing Theory, Authority Theory, Administration Theory, Government Theory, Deconcentration Principle, Decentralization Principle, General Principle Good Governance in Public Service, and the Concept of the Rule of Law. These theories and concepts can be used as analytical tools in the study of the legal study of the implementation of administrative deconcentration in the local government of the Manatuto Municipality by using the following approach; the law approach (statute approach), the concept approach (conceptual approach), pragmatism approach (pragmatism approach) and comparative approach (comparative approach).
The result achieved is that the implementation of deconcentration and decentralization is an implementation that arises from the Diploma Ministerial N.º 48 /2016 de 30 de Setembro Estabelece os serviços das Autoridades Municipais e das Administrações Municipais e aprova a estrutura funcional. With the general provisions of Article 1 Object of this Ministerial Diploma specifically stipulates Autoridades Municipais e das Administrações Municipais , regulated by no.1 and 2 articles 3 Decree-Decretu Lei No. 3/2016, 16 March and agreed to this functional structure, which is set forth in Article 2 of the Concrete Establishment of Autoridades Municipais They are established in Autoridades Municipais and Municipal Administrations respectively , provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3 Decretu Lei No.3/2016, Then it is stated in the Hirak Nebe Temi Ona Progress: Reve ona Politics no estratejia desentralizasaun administrative, Aprova ona modelu uniforme no koerente ida ba local administrasaun iha national territory. The definition of ona servisu ba atividade local administrasaun or intervention iha prestasaun beins no servisu publicus. Reforsa ona orgaun local administrasaun sira or hola desizasaun. Fo ka delega dau-daun competence ba local administrasaun ne'ebe prepara ona iha rekursus umanos, infrastructure, facilidades no kondisoens hotu ne'ebe mak necessario ba deskonsentrasaun.