Gloriosa superba Linn. Family Liliaceae is a branched herbaceous climber, common in low forests almost throughout India including Andaman Islands up. It is frequently found within the hedges and road side bush about human habitations. It is also found along the forest paths of dry and moist deciduous forests in addition to the scrub jungles of the country. It is used in traditional medicinal and ayurvedic system of medicines. All parts of the plant are used for the treatment of various human as well as disorders. The present communication provides a detailed account of the pharmacognostic study carried out of Gloriosa stem. The study includes macroscopy, microscopy and powder microscopic studies, preliminary phytochemical investigation, physicochemical tests, heavy metal tests, screening of microbiological parameters and development of HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) fingerprints profile. Physicochemical parameters were performed and found LOD was found 6.23% w/w, total ash value 6.88% w/w, acid insoluble ash value 0.25% w/w, alcohol soluble extractive value 18.46% w/w and water soluble extractive value 22.64%w/w. HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) fingerprints profile of methanolic extract was done by using mobile phase toluene: ethyl acetate (7:3). TLC plate was derivatized by using 5% Methanolic-sulphuric acid derivatizing reagent. Major spots Rf values and colour were recorded at 366nm, after derivatization 366nm and UV light. Quantitative microbiological tests were performed and specific pathogens found absent such as Staphylococcus aureus/gm, Salmonella sp./gm, Pseudomonas aeruginosa/gm, Escherichia coli, where total microbial count (TBC), and Yeast & Mould found under WHO limits. Heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, As, & Hg were tested and found under WHO limits Established parameters can be used as standards for quality control and identification of the plant in herbal compound formulations and also preparation of a monograph of the plant.