Industrial waste encompasses the full range of unwanted substances and losses generated by industrial activities, including emissions to air or surface water and the substances sent to sewage treatment plants, deposited in landfills released or applied to the land, treated, injected underground control through storage, recycled or burned for energy recovery. It renders impact
over all biological kingdoms. Sugar industry is being an important player in foreign exchange earnings and also plays its part in polluting the environment with its discharge. Use of industrial effluent in the land of irrigation has become common practice in India as a result of which these toxic metals get accumulated in soil. The present study was aimed to investigate the physicochemical analysis of Bhoramdev co-operative sugar factory Kabirdham effluent and impact sugar industry on soil quantity of area around the sugar industry. The various parameters studied were colour, odour, temperature, pH, total hardness, turbidity, iron, chloride, sulphate, fluoride ions, total dissolved solids, BOD, COD, calcium, magnesium. Results indicate at sugar mill effluent affected soil parameter such as pH, EC, sulphur and phosphorus. Addition of nutrients by effluent improves the soil properties but the addition too much nutrient like sulphur content in soil become toxic, decline the soil property.