Addangayogam known as yoga katpam scientifically means rejuvenation which secure power of health of the body. Nowadays yoga plays the major role in the wellbeing of an individuals. Healthy or unhealthy state show reciprocal effect between mind and body. Hence, both physical and mental health should be in equilibrium. The objective of this review attempts to highlights the Addangayogam with respect to the mental and physical health. The various data were collected from ancient siddha literatures as well as the current scientific literatures respectively from siddha text and modern text as well as website like pubmed, medline etc.
Addangayogam known as eight limbs of yoga namely, Eyamam, Niyamam, Aasanam, Pranayamam, Pirathiyakaram, Tharanai, Thiyanam, Samathi, denotes respectively, Code of conduct which focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental intervention., Code of ethics which build on the concept of self-restraint, putting those into action of daily life. Postural exercise, thus, psychologically developing emotional balance and physically strengthen the inner organs. Aerobic exercise control and regulate the breathing, this daily practice enhance the utilization of waste expirates, Withdrawal of external stimuli, Concentration –inward turning of mind is possible when once the sense of withdrawal begins. Meditation-allows us to transcend over active phase of mind and directly experience as parathma. Superconcious-this rest stage is a state of union which allows the body and mind to release the stress and toxins.
It is concluded as per siddha concept the Addangayogam enhance the physical health, mind, and attitude promotion. The current research studies reveal yoga beneficial for positive mental health, learning and intelligent, Emotional stability, increase immune system of the body, social health and spiritual. This review helpful to public health policy makers for health promotion concept.